Online References - Storefront & Franchise Control Panel
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Creating a Storefront | Franchise

This page add/remove/update new storefront | franchise site to CyberOffice Warehouse Builder (CyberBuild) or Franchise & Shopping Mall (CyberMall). You will need to have also licensed the program from SmartWin Technology or one of its resellers.

Before you use the Storefront & Franchise Control Panel, you must create separately a storefront first. In CyberBuild, one storefront has a unique folder under which all the storefront HTML pages must reside. A storefront can be under a different server and under a different domain than the central program pages.

CyberBuild comes with a default storefront. To create an additional one,

  1. Copy all the HTML pages (*.htm under the "/warehouse" or "/cybermall" or "/cybermall/site1" folder), the style sheet (*.css), any javascirpt file (*.js) and the graphics (the "Assets" sub-folder) to a new folder.
  2. On top of the header.js page, you will find (viewed under HTML source mode or under Notepad),
              var my_track = "self";
              var my_initial = "include/initial.asp";

    or a similar one.
  3. Modify the "my_track" setting for the new franchise storefront. You might need to amend "include/initial.asp" so that it points to the existing file.

By default, CyberBuild (CyberMall) may automatically index the new site (shop) and assign it some default values. Then you should use this "Control Panel" page to customize the settings.

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Operation Instructions

Select A Site  Click to select a site from the drop-down list to update.

Delete  Click to remove the site from the list. Use with extreme certainty.

Each individual setting is explained below. You must press the Add/Update button for any changes to be updated.

Site URL:  This is URL of the site or shop. Please include the trailing "/" to identify the folder that contains the shop files. A storefront can have multiple Site URL entries.

Site Name:  A user-friendly name for the Shop.

Site Track:  This is an abbreviation identifying the site (shop) for tracking purpose.

Note that Site Track and Site URL must match the the site info defined on the top of each of the storefront HTML pages.

Shopping Cart:  Each shop can have its own shopping cart or share a common one. This entry identifies the entry page, i.e. the view_cart.asp page of the shopping cart (CyberShop). Please include the leading "/" for correct path reference.

DSN for the Cart:  Sets the ODBC Database Source Name parameter for the cart. This is intended for some internal backend processing purpose. The information must match that defined on the top of the config.asp file in the shopping cart folder.

UID for the Cart:  The user name for the Shopping Cart database. The information must match that defined on the top of the config.asp file in the shopping cart folder.

PWD for the Cart:  The user password for the Shopping Cart database. The information must match that defined on the top of the config.asp file in the shopping cart folder. Note that each config.asp file will have the three parameters (DSN, UID, PWD) defined on top of the page.

Note that You might not have a real ODBC associated with the DSN, UID and PWD. But do not set them to nothing. The parameters are required to identify the instance of the shopping cart.

Price Markup:  This sets the overall price markup (or multiplier) for the shop from the default prices given in the catalog database. Note that the individual shop can use the built-in Custom Store Prices to further control the pricing. Or use the Coupon feature of CyberShop to issue discounts.

Price Unit:  Sets the currency symbol (e.g. AU$) when display the prices on the franchise storefront.

Currency Exchange Rate:  Sets the currency exchange rate from the base currency used in the central warehouse database.

Reward Point RateTo promote online sales, each store can set up its own membership club and lets the members earn loyalty points when they purchase. This field sets the Point Rate when redeeming the points earned from previous orders. This rate multiplies an item's price to give the points required to purchase that item when redeeming the club points.

Forwarding Email(s):  The emails to which the messages from the "Contact Us" form shopping orders are forwarded. Multiple entries are separated by semicolon ";".

Price Field:  By default, CyberBuild picks up the "Price" field in the "Catalog_Table" table to present the price. You may specify a different field here, for example "Cost" field in the table.

Custom Price PrecedenceCyberBuild allows each individual store to markup item prices (cf. Store Level Pricing Control). This field specifies the searching order when matching the custom prices. Remove the setting to disable it. It uses the the SQL syntax with the "ORDER BY" keyword. The field names must match the those defined in the "Custom_Price" table.

Distributor Account: Specify here the CyberClub account whose products, when uploaded using the "merchant.asp" page, will appear in this storefront. This field works in conjunction with CyberClub. You must specify the correct "Seller Membership" information in the Catalog Admin Settings.

Affiliate ID: If you have multiple storefronts that share a same shopping cart and you like to track sales from each of the storefronts, use this field to specify the affliate ID of the storefront. This will be the affiliate's User Name on the membership database associated with the common shopping cart. The affiliate is assumed to have a membership account and will be able to use the affiliate tracking page provided by the shopping cart to view the report.  Leave it empty if not used or if your storefront offers affiliates to third-parties.

Index Constraint: This is for advanced applications. Specify here the constraint condition, in the SQL langauge, on which a sub-set of products will be displayed on the storefront. The constraint can only be imposed on the "Index fields" of the "Catalog_Table" table. For example, Catalog_Table.ProductIndex = 3, or Catalog_Table.ProductIndex = 3 AND Catalog_Table.Index1 = 2.

Membership Database:  Enter a Connection String that points to a CyberClub membership database that contains the customer information for the storefront. For example DSN=Membership or DSN=Mall_Membership. The database must be associated with an instance of CyberOffice Club. This is used when the site requires registration, for example berfore a customer enters an auction bid.

Site Banner:  A URL for the banner of the Shop.

Site Parameters:  Additional programming / configuration parameters that CyberBuild and/or programmers can use to customize each individual storefront. They should be entered in name=value pairs, separated by ";".

Site Folder:  This is the physical folder on which the storefront site (or folder) resides. CyberOffice tries to detect it for you. But it cannot guarantee the accuracy.  The information is used for the susequent search engine page generation operation. The latter creates a set of plain, hierarchical HTML pages covering every product in the database. They are meant to be indexed by search engines.

Product Detail Page:  The page that displays the product details on the storefront. If the online wizard is used to customize the storefront, the correct page is front.asp?file=detail.htm. Otherwise, it will normally be detail.htm. This information is used to link search engine pages back to the normal part of the database driven site.

Remarks:  An administrative remark field about the franchise shop in question.

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