Online References - Manage Catalog Details
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Add/Remove/Update Catalog Items

This page lets add/remove/modify individual catalog items in CyberOffice Warehouse Builder (CyberBuild). You will need to have also licensed the program from SmartWin Technology or one of its resellers.

After you have logged on to this page, you can browse your normal storefront and on the product detail page there is a "to Edit" link to edit any existing item.

When CyberShop is configured to work with CyberBuild, the Product Detail editing function of CyberShop should be superseded by this page.

CyberBuild allows merchants to upload products directly. To do so you need to configure a CyberClub application and an account type(s) in Catalog Admin Settings. Then provide merchants with appropriate CyberClub accounts the link to the "merchant.asp" page (either under the "/warehouse/include" or "/CyberMall/include" or "/CyberMall/incl_load" folder).

If the number of entries in the drop-down lists get too large, you can disable it by setting

Session(DSN+"ListIndexEntries") = False

on the top of the update.asp page under the "include" folder.

Note: This page is provided to for the convenience of updating the warehouse catalog on the fly. A sophisticated set of backend Batch Processes should be used if you are managing a large number of products. They are located inside the database with full source codes.

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Operation Instructions

There are several additional page for you to manage the catalog. You can use "Edit Categories / Index" page to change the drop-down lists (of categories, brands, etc.) on this page. You can also use "Edit Field Mappings" to change the descriptions of the fields (presumably to better inform the customers what the fields are about).

Find Product: Enter Product Reference in first text box (sometimes called Reference No, Product Code, or whatever appropriate name for the business). Then click on the button to find the first match in the catalog database.

If you are not sure, you can always use the more advanced  Search By Keywords to find the product(s) you want to edit.

Add New | Update: You may add new item (i.e. product) or modify the exiting information by filling in the various text boxes on page. Each text box corresponds to a field in the underlying catalog table.  Thus they may vary for different applications. Click on the button to submit the information to the database. CyberBuild will automatically build or update the appropriate keyword indexes and other things to reflect the changes.

Delete Item: Click on this button to delete permanently the selected item, together with keyword indexes to the item from the catalog database. Use with extreme certainty.

Upload Image File(s)

This section lets you upload image files associated with the item. You must first update the text contents. Then you can either upload the standard image and / or the Preview (thumbnail) of it.

Browse: Click to browse file in your local hard disk to upload. It accepts either the *.jpg or the *.gif format.

Preview: Click to preview the file before uploading.

Current: Click to view current image in use.

Click on the "Upload Selected File(s)" button to start uploading.

File Security Settings on the Web server computer may be an issue here. For the upload to  work properly, the destination folder, specified on the Catalog Admin Settings page, must have Read, Write and Modify permissions set for the IUSR_xxx.

If only the administrator to upload images, you can alternatively enable the NT Authentication codes on the custom11.asp page (under the include folder). The upload will then prompt for username and password. Typically, you should enter the pair from your FTP account.  

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Special Fields & Functions

Weight, Dimension: These values will be passed to shopping cart for real-time UPS rate and service quote.

Product URL: Specify a valid URL (starting with "http://...") that can provide further information on the item, such as the product page on the manufacturer's site.

UNSPSC: (United Nations Standard Products and Services Code) This field is passed to shopping cart for the convenience of finding the stock (as classification or a reference to the stock).

Style, Color, Size: These fields will appear as optional drop-down boxes on the storefront's product detail page. The options are comma delimited. If you need to differentiate on prices, the entry should be


make price difference.

Related Items: Specify the product IDs (or References or Part Numbers) that are related to this item. The information will be displayed on the product detail page, with product descriptions extracted from the database.

Package Price, Package Qty: Typically used in B2B application when if the item is sold in its original packaged form, there is a discount on the price.

Order Link: Specify a valid URL to order this item, presumably from a page outside the storefront. Typically used in a Trading Mall application (when such an action is allowed).

Taxable: Either Yes or No. If No, the State, Country or GST Tax will not be applied to this item on the checkout.

Times: A counter which records how many times the item is exposed on the storefront.

Auction & Classifieds

A particular item will appear on the storefront as an auction item if Auction Bid Increment field is specified and is greater than 0.

Start Date, End Date: This imposes a specific date range when the item should appear on the storefront.

Reserve: This specifies the Reserve price on the item. Or you can specify a negative value to indicate that the item is not for sale at all. Typically it is done so for a classified item which can't be brought. As a result, the "Buy" or "Bid" button will not appear on the storefront.

Auction Start Bid, Auction Bid Increment: The start bid is optional. But Bid Increment is essential to trigger the auction function on the item.

Delivery Control

The customer can specify a delivery or service date/time on the shopping cart page if such a function is applicable to certain items. This is triggered through the Delivery Mode setting.

Delivery Mode: This field can be left empty, or can take three values 0, 1, -1. "0" is same as empty, meaning that a delivery date/time is not applicable. "1" indicates that the item can be scheduled, but each one takes a single time slot (though the order quantity can be > 1). Typically, this is a service item.  "-1" means that the different items (of the same value) can be delivered on a same time slot. For example grocery products.

More information can be found on Delivery / Service Schedule.

Inventory Monitoring

Stock Level The current stock level on the item.

Warning Level: A particular stock level under which a warning will be attached to the order notification email to the merchant.

Minimum Level: A minimum stock quantity below which the item cannot be ordered. Note that it can be negative, which means the item can be back ordered.

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