Online References - Custom Messages
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Customize Messages

This page is provided for advanced or non-English sites to fully customize the internal messages generated by CyberShop. It also lets you define the email details sent to customers. These emails can be Order Status dependent. In addition, there are page specific messages that can be controlled on the top of each page (including view_cart.asp, view_coupon.asp, view_status.asp, order.asp, finalize.asp and some backend pages). Altogether, they offer nearly 100% of customizability for non-English speaking countries.

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Field Name Mappings

This section lets you define, list and change the field name mappings for the entire CyberShop system. For example, you might want to change Order ID to Invoice Number. In this case you fill in Order ID in the File Name column and Invoice Number in the Field Description column.  Internally generated field names appear on for example the view_coupon.asp, view_status.asp pages and in the emails. This is the place to alter them to match your specific application.

Add:  The first row in the list lets you enter new entry to the list. Simply fill in the boxes and click on the Add button to submit to the database.

Export Data:  (Batch operation) export the selected entries into a CSV-formatted file. Please set the file extension to .txt or .csv when prompted for the file name.

Microsoft Excel may launch itself within the browser to display the data, which however, does not handle the CSV format by default. Follow the steps to correct the problem:

  • Click on the "A" column to highlight the entire column.
  • From Window's Menu, click Data -> Text to Columns -> "Delimited" -> "Comma" -> Finish.
  • Then File -> Save As -> Select "CSV (Comma delimited)(*.CSV)" as the "Save as type".

MS Excel might also display a Shop Manager Login page. This is a bug in MS Office 2000. Upgrade it with the latest service packs from Microsoft.

Update Entries:  (Batch operation) update the changes made to the selected entries to the database.

Delete Entries:  (Batch operation) delete the selected entries from the database. Proceed with extreme certainty.

Select All: Click to select all the entries listed (presumably for deleting or updating).

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Custom Email Messages

This page customizes the email messages that are sent to customers by CyberShop. Internal default settings will be used if any fields are left blank. Each individual setting is explained below. You must press the Submit button for any changes to be updated.

Email ForAlways select one of the email modes to start with. Once selected, the page will be refreshed and pre-filled with the existing settings on the system.

Subject:  Change the default subject "[Site Name] - Shopping Order" to this one.

Opening:  Change the default Opening "Dear" to this one.

Header Text:  Override the default header text "This is your copy of ..." by this one. Feel free to enter any specific information appropriate to your business. There is no length limit here.

Order Status Check:  Modify this heading here. Provided mainly for non-English language customization.

Order Summary:  Modify this heading here. Provided mainly for non-English language customization.

Order Details:  Modify this heading here. Provided mainly for non-English language.

Stock Level Warning:  Modify this heading here. Provided mainly for non-English language. Note that Stock Level Warning information is send to the merchant only when the stock of a product drops below a preset warning level. See Inventory Manager for more details.

Footer Text:  Provide a generic footer text which will appear after the Order Details section in the email. No default text is specified by CyberShop.

Signature: Set the signature of the auto-resplendence emails. No default value is specified by CyberShop.

Fields Excluded (Customer): Use this field to define a list of fields in comma delimited format that are to be excluded from the email body sent to customers. The field names must match those from the Tables in the shopping cart database. The default setting is "AuthCode,StatusCode,CustomerID,CardNumber,ExpMonth,ExpYear"

Fields Excluded (Merchant):  Use this field to define a list of fields in comma delimited format that are to be excluded from the email body sent to the merchant. The field names must match those from the Tables in the database. There is no default setting.

Note: Setting the exclusion fields will override the defaults implicitly defined in the email routine. So do it with care and make sure you include all the fields to be excluded.

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