Online References - Catalog Global Settings
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Configure Catalog Global Settings

This page lets you configure various global catalog settings & formatting elements in CyberOffice Warehouse Builder (CyberBuild).  You will need to have also licensed the program from SmartWin Technology or one of its resellers.

Each individual setting is explained below. Once set, it is relatively stable throughout the entire life of the program (unless you switch to another ISP or a major upgrade occurs). You must press the Update Info  button for any changes to be updated (Reset Form to display the current information stored in the database).

Developers: It is possible to add your own settings to the system and have it configured through this page.

  • Add a field to the Global_Table table of the warehouse database (typically warehouse.mdb or Mall_warehouse.mdb);
  • Add an Input to the setting.asp page (follow the "Image Directory" as an example);
  • The new setting can be referenced anywhere in CyberBuild (in ASP code) as
    GetData("Global_Table", "{field name}"), for e.g. GetData("Global_Table", "ImageDir"). Note that field name is case sensitive.
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General System Settings

Series Number:  The series number for your CyberShop application. Report this number to SmartWin Technology when registering for the license. The companion registration page does this automatically for you. Once registered, you Must Avoid overriding the underlying warehouse (or catalog) database under any circumstances. The number is normally tied to the the server on which the program runs.

Encryption Key: You can enable this after the software is registered. Once enabled, you cannot reverse it. There is no default implementation of it. This is provided for developers to implement any required encryption when customizing the system.  The companion CyberShop that provides the login to the backend admin pages must be encrypted first.

You can decide to encrypt any field by creating a new field in the same table with "__" suffix (double underscore). This field will be used to store the encrypted data. The field size must be 4 times longer than the original one.

The config.asp file has a set of "CyberOffice Encryption Interface" APIs. Note that you can encrypt any data, but only the shop manager (after login) can view the decrypted data. Contact SmartWin Technology for further assistance.

Registration Key:  The key returned from SmartWin Technology or the reseller/partner upon proper registration. You must enter the key in the box and submit it to the system. Without the proper Registration Key, the storefront will not work after the trial period of 30 days.

Master Shopping Cart:  This is the database source name (DSN, as defined in the config.asp under the associated shopping cart folder). Once defined, this shopping cart is then nominated as the master shopping cart of CyberBuild, whose  Shop Manager is granted the permission to manage CyberBuild.

Master Login Page:  The URL of the Login page of the Master Shopping Cart.

Master Shopping Cart Database:  This is a connection string that points to the underlying database of the associated shopping cart. CyberBuild shares the same User information (for the backend access) with the shopping cart.

Image Directory:  The is the image directory URL that image files in the catalog database refer to.

Forwarding Email(s):  This is the master email address(es) to receive all email inquires. Multiple entries are separated by ";". If additional emails are set on the a storefront (cf. Storefront & Franchise Control Panel), the emails will be redistributed to those addresses.

You can disable this feature (that emails are controlled through this master email)   by setting in the config.asp file

Session(DSN+"MASTER_EMAIL") = False

Email Server(s):  The email server(s) that handles the emails. You can specify it either in IP address or domain name, followed by server port (typically, ":25"). Multiple entries are separated ";" (for backup purpose if the first server is down).

Email Software:  Email software is a standalone third party component that connects the current program to the mail server(s). Click one from the list and install it on the server. See Global/System Settings for CyberShop for more information.

Administrative Site(s):  If set, only the nominated Web site(s) can administrate this page. Multiple entries separated by ";". This gives you some extra security measure.

Supplier Membership:  Enter a Connection String that points to a CyberClub membership database that contains the information for the suppliers / vendors /sellers who are allowed to upload product information to the warehouse. For example DSN=Membership or DSN=Mall_Membership. The database must be associated with an instance of CyberOffice Club.

Supplier Account Type(s):  Enter the permitted supplier membership account type(s), i.e, the Group ID value(s) that is allowed to upload products.    Multiple entries separated by ",".

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Catalog Appearance & Formatting

Description Fields:  This identifies the relevant field(s) whose contents will be passed to the Shopping Cart as the "Product Description". Original field names must be used (refer to the "Catalog_Table" in the underlying database). Multiple fields are separated by ",".

Field Delimiter:  Sets the delimiter used to separate the fields while concatenating them into a single description field (cf. above).

Ordering Field:  Sets the field (must use the original field name from the database) by which search results are ordered, typically "Text1" for order by description or "Price" for order by Price.

Word Delimiters:  These are delimiters that the built-in keyword index tool backend processor use to parse keywords.

Input Table:  The name of the input table or query ( or view) that supplies the raw data to be batch processed (in the backend). The processing will cast them into the tables and formats useful for CyberBuild to display on the storefronts.

Retail Mark Up:  The markup in percentage when adding / pre-processing items to the catalog database. The markup is relative to the Cost price of the item and is used only if the (retail) price field is not set.

Minimum Price:  The minimum retail price. This is used when the above Price Markup falls below this level.

Price Unit:  Sets the default currency symbol (e.g. AU$). This currency is used internally throughout the entire system or when multiple storefronts are concerned. Each storefront might use a different currency via a conversion rate specified in the Franchise Control Panel.

Remarks:  An administrative remark field for anything regarding the settings.

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