Online References - Global/System Settings
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Configure Global/System Settings

This page sets the Global / System configuration of CyberShop. Once set, they are relatively stable throughout the entire life of the program (unless you switch to another ISP or a major upgrade occurs). Each individual setting will be explained below. You must press the Update Info button for any changes to be updated.

Developers: It is possible to add your own settings to the system and have it configured through this page.

  • Add a field to the Admin table of the shopping cart database;
  • Add an Input to the shop_global.asp page (follow the InvoicePrefix as an example);
  • The new setting can be referenced anywhere in Cybershop (in ASP code) as
    Session(DSN+"{field name}"), for example, Session(DSN+"InvoicePrefix").
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Registration & Appearance

Site Name:  This is user-friendly name that identifies your site. It will appear on each of the the front-end pages.

Series Number:  The series number for your CyberShop application. Report this number to SmartWin Technology when registering the license. The companion registration page does this automatically for you. Once registered, you Must Avoid overriding the underlying shopping cart database under any circumstances. The number is normally tied to the the server on which the program runs.

Registration Key:  The key returned from SmartWin Technology upon proper registration. You must enter the key in this box and submit it to the system. Without the proper Registration Key, you will be banned from Login to the Shop Manager after the trial period. In addition, all the emails sent by CyberShop will have a trial stamp on them. You will need a valid key to unlock the "Login" after expiration.

Write down the series number-registration key pair in case you need to restore them. You can do this directly on to the Admin table in the database.

Background Color:  Set the background color on the shopping cart (front-end pages).

Background Image:  The URL of the background image used by the front-end pages.

Price Unit:  Set the main currency symbol for the prices used throughout the entire CyberShop system.

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Configure Email

Forwarding Email(s):  The email account to which the shopping orders are forwarded. This must be very secure and reliable since confidential customer information such as Credit Card numbers may included in the emails (refer to Custom Messages for how to exclude credit cards in the email). It is recommended that mail box is physically located on the same site or the same network. So no information travels on to the Internet. Multiple entries are separated by semicolon ";".

Email Mode: Normally you should select "Enabled" or "Disabled". The "Email Only" mode will dispatch the orders to the forwarding email(s) (specified above or via a hidden "DestEmail" field on the Shopping pages). It then permanently deletes the orders from the database. This legacy mode is for hosting ISPs to provide a free shopping service shared by a large number of clients.

Email Server:  Specifies the mail server that handles the email forwarding function. You may enter more than one mail servers, separated by semicolon ";". This helps when the primary server fails. Note that if you use JMail, the server port information must be appended to the server address (cf. below). The email server does not need to reside on the same server as the Web site. In fact, it can be run from a UNIX server.

Email Software:  A third-party email component that handles emails within ASP pages. This is required for the email functions to work. A few of the most popular programs are listed here for your selection. Most hosting ISPs would have at least one such component installed to handle emails. This software is not an email server itself, rather it talks to the email server specified above. Microsoft has a built-in "CDONTS" component for this purpose. However, it should be the last resort as it has a bug that breaks up any lines exceeding a certain length.

Note: Nowadays almost all email servers have taken anti-spamming measures to combat this common problem. You must enter an email sever(s) that allows mail relay from the server computer when the program runs. You hosting ISP needs to investigate this issue, using the companion "email_test.htm" to find a working configuration.

Some email server requires user authentication before relaying the messages. In that case, you can download the latest JMAIL component and specify the email server using the syntax:


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Invoice & Taxes Settings 

Invoice Header:  Fill in your company information by following the format. CyberShop will interpret semicolon ";" as line break.

Invoice No. Prefix:  The text that will be prefixed to a sequential numeric part to form a complete Invoice Number.

Invoice No:  The sequential number that will be used for the next incoming order. Invoice can be generated by "List Orders --> Order Details --> Invoice (one of drop-down options). Programmers can customize the Invoice page (custom10.asp) in any way they wish.

We present here a source-code implementation so that it is possible for a third party to add an entire range of accounting functions to CyberShop.

State / Province: Enter your home state, both abbreviation and full name, in which the State Tax Rate applies. Set it to "-GST-" (Goods and Services Tax) if you have such a Tax system in your country (e.g. Australia).

Home Country:  This field pre-selects the country field on the front-end checkout.asp page for first time visitors (the program then remembers returned visitors). You must  enter the information (e.g. USA) for the State Tax Rate to work.

State Tax Rate: The tax rate of your home state. Click on the "Local Rates" button to add/edit local surcharge rates that depend on the zip codes. You simply specify the start and end zip codes and the surcharge rate within the range. The surcharge applies whenever the state tax applies and customer's zip code falls on it.

Country Tax Rate: A secondary Tax applied at the Country Level, used ONLY if the State Tax alone isn't sufficient (for e.g. countries like Canada).

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Payment Gateway Interface

Card Processing Agent:  These are third-party agents who provide payment gateway services for real-time credit card processing. You will need to signup with one of them (they are not in any way associated to SmartWin Technology). The WWW addresses are listed here for your convenience. They are country specific. For example, you are not allowed to host your Web server outside US territory for Authorize.Net services. Contact SmartWin Technology if yours is not listed here.

External / User-Defined Gateway Interface lets you handle the integration yourself using the payment.asp page (or you can specify any one in the Auth_URL parameter, cf. below). We present a number of working implementations to illustrate the procedure. Refer to the companion ASP pages for technical details (knowledge of ASP programming is required).  Contact SmartWin Technology for any assistance.

Real-time Authorization: Turn it on/off.

Acceptable Credit Cards: List the credit cards that are both acceptable by your merchant's account and the card processing agents. We have pre-filled it with a few common selections. You would likely take out some of them you don't need. Note that the syntax is rigid: It must match those defined by the individual agent (as different agents might use different notations) and those in the Payment Methods section. And it is case sensitive.

Authorization Parameters: Once you have an account set up with the agent, you can enter the information here to activate the processing. They are in name=value pair and delimited by ";". Different gateways will have different set of parameters. You should refer to their user manual for details. Most of them will simply require a login name (or account ID or whatever named) to work. You can simply set it like "x_Login=your_id". Some of them require password. In that case, you specify "x_Password=your_password".

For Authorize.Net's new Advanced Merchant Integration (AMI), refer to the authorize.txt for more instructions.

Currency Exchange Rate: Specify the Currency Exchange Rate when converting Total Amount into the Currency that the real-time Internet Payment Gateway accepts, typically, from US Dollars into the local currency of the country where the payment gateway resides. That is, you would like to sell your products globally and thus express the prices in US Dollars. However, your bank accepts only local currency. To disable this (while the program still displays dual prices), set

             Session(DSN+"ConvertAmount") = False

on the bottom of the "config.asp" page.

Dual Price Unit: Specify the Currency symbol of the secondary one (as determined by the above-set Exchange Rate). If this field is set and the Exchange Rate is not 1 nor 0, a secondary price will be displayed next to the first one.

Supported Gateways

(This list is growing over times...)

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Security Measures

Encryption Key: You can enable this after the software is registered. Once enabled, you cannot reverse it. This, by default, will encrypt all credit card and password information in the database via an industrial strength Triple-DES encryption algorithm. This protects your data against hackers' stealing the entire database. The encryption is required by banks if you store credit card numbers on your server (and the encryption strength meets their criteria).

Authorized URLs: If set, it specifies URLs that are allowed to use CyberShop. Multiple entries are separated by ";". Leave it empty if you do not want to activate this security measure. This prevents for example the hidden price field on the shopping pages being modified and and re-submitted to the shopping cart. There are other ways to prevent this problem. You can enter the price into the Inventory Manager. The price will then be checked against the one places passed in via the hidden field.

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Other Settings

Download Directory: Specify the Virtual Directory (e.g. http://[my_site]/Download/) where the file(s) for download resides (after payment). This is used together with the Download parameter passed on from a shopping page to identify the full URL for the download link.  The link will be displayed on the finalize.asp page.

Cart Page: Specify the full URL that points to the view_cart.asp page, namely the entry page of CyberShop.   Typically, it will be

/shopping_cart/view_cart.asp, or
http://[your site]/shopping_cart/view_cart.asp

This information is used by CyberClub to identify the location of the shopping cart folder when multiple carts are sharing the same membership database.

Catalog Database: This specifies a valid database connection string to an external catalog database. Typically, it points to the warehouse database used by CyberOffice Warehouse Builder (if present). It can also be used to store for example the Stock_Table table. Leave it empty if you do not have such a database.

Membership Database: This specifies a valid database connection string to the CyberOffice Club membership database. Leave it empty if you do not use it.

Note: If DBQ is used in the connection string, the filename can be specified in virtual path name. This is a non-standard extension. CyberShop translates it into a physical pathname at run time.

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  ©SmartWin Technology, CyberOffice eCommerce Platform 1997 - 2012