Online References - Bulletin Poster
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Bulletin Messages

This page lets you manage the bulletin messages posted to the members. It works in conjunction with CyberOffice Club (CyberClub). You will need to have also licensed the program from SmartWin Technology or one of its resellers.

Bulletin messages are viewed on the "bulletin.asp" page by members. There is a link to that page after a member logins to CyberClub. The messages are listed in reverse chronological order. The cut off day on that page is set under Membership Admin Settings.

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Operation Instructions

The Message Specification section lets up edit the message. Then press the "Submit" button to create it. Immediately after posting a new message, you will be given a chance to update the message without creating a new one. You are also given an option to clear message after certain days.

Account Type:  Select an account type that the message is intended. Only members within this type will see the message.

Heading: Specify the message headings.

HTML Format: Check this field if the message (heading + body) is HTML formatted. This give you a way to place color and hyper links etc on the message.

Update Existing Message: Immediately after posting a message, you are given this chance to modify/correct the message. Check here to do so. After you close the browser window, the only way to remove the message is by clearing it from the history.

Clear History: Check here to clear history of certain days (enter the days in the box).

Message Body: Enter in the text area any contents that are related to the heading.

Click on the List of Message link to view the existing messages in the database. You can individually delete or edit by clicking on the corresponding links.

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