Online References - Shared Hosting Installation
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Upload Files to your Web site

Each CyberOffice eCommerce setup program creates files on your local computer, the default folder is c:\inetpub\wwwroot\. This can be different if the "www root" folder of your local Web server is on another location. The setup puts any database file(s) onto the "_private" folder, DLL file(s) onto the "cgi-bin" folder. The rest of the files can be under one or more of the following folders:

"shopping_cart", "membership", "warehouse", and "cybermall".

Use FTP or whatever program to upload these folders to the root directory of your Web site, while retaining all the folder structures. Namely, you should be able to find the page,

which is a file under the local "shopping_cart" folder. You can alter the folders once you get to know how the program works.

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Register CyberOffice DLLs on the server

You hosting Administrator must register one or more of CyberOffice DLLs. The DLLs are located in the "cgi-bin" folder, they are "CyberShop.Dll", "CyberBuild.Dll" and "CyberClub.Dll".  These files are recommended to be copied to the "C:\WinNT\system32" or "c:\Windows\system32" folder as they will be shared by all the instances of CyberOffice programs running on the server.

64-Bits Windows Server  (IIS 7 or above) : Under IIS Manager -> Application Pools -> find the application pool used by the site in question -> Advanced Settings ... -> Enable 32-Bit Applications -> True.   Also copy the DLLs to c:\Windows\SysWoW64 folder and register them there (run regsvr32.exe, see below).

Registering a DLL involves

  1. If upgrading an existing one, reset the IIS from the Internet Services Manager;
  2. If upgrading, un-register the existing one by Regsvr32.exe /u, e.g.
         Regsvr32.exe /u c:\windows\system32\cybershop.dll;
  3. Override the existing file(s) with the updated one;
  4. Set Execute permission (on the Windows Explorer File Properties page) on the file for IUSR_xxx, where "xxx" stands for the name of the server;
  5. Register the DLL by running Regsvr32.exe, e.g.
    Regsvr32.exe c:\windows\system32\cybershop.Dll

Alternative, the administrator can download up-to-date version of the DLLs from

In the file, there is an "Update-DLLs.bat" batch program. Simply run the batch file to register/update the DLLs.

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Database Permission

In the "_private" folder, you will find a number databases used by CyberOffice eCommerce. These are the filenames you may find:

Shopping_cart.mdb, Membership.mdb, Warehouse.mdb, Mall_Shopping_cart.mdb, Mall_Warehouse.mdb, Mall_Membership.mdb, Site1_Shopping_cart.mdb; Site1_membership.mdb

Correct permissions must be set on the entire folder and the files for the program to work and to protect the data.  The hosting administrator will need to

  1. Set "Full Control" permission for the "Everyone" group on the "_private" folder and on the files (from Windows Explorer -> File -> Properties page);
  2. From the "Internet Services Manager", Disable "Read", "Log visitors", "Index this resource" and any other accesses on the "_private" folder.
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Email Configuration

CyberOffice eCommerce programs rely on some third party "email client" component which in turn talks to an email server authorized by the hosting ISP to relay emails from your Web site. The following email components, both are free of charges, are recommended, 


The hosting administrator should download and install either one of them on to the server. Then use the companion email_test.htm page to identify a working configuration. A successful one should be entered into the system settings page(s). Typically, there is one admin page for each CyberOffice program used on your site. The links can be found on the test page or from the menus in the Shop Manager.

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Using Shared SSL

Most hosting ISP will have a shared ssl folder on your site. Typically the folder is named "ssl". When you place any file under it, the page can be accessed via a shared SSL site (from another domain). Therefore you can duplicate some CyberOffice eCommerce pages onto that folder to be SSL-protected. Any pages that collect credit card or password information should be SSL-protected. 

However, you must update any reference to the database used by the program in question. Taking the Shopping Cart pages for example, here are the steps:

  1. In the config.asp (under "shopping_cart" folder), replace the DBQ setting by a physical pathname. The physical path can be different from server to server. It uses backslashes to delimit folders, for example,
    You can find the correct physical path for your server on the Global / System Settings page.
  2. Copy the entire shopping_cart folder onto the "ssl" folder.
  3. Modify view_cart.asp (in the original folder) to have the "Check Out" link pointing to the checkout.asp page under the SSL site (i.e. qualify the link with https://...). You hosting Administrator will tell you the exact URL to be used.
  4. All the database references on the Global / System Settings page should be updated (i.e. the virtual paths should be replaced by physical paths).

If the shopping cart uses the membership add-on (i.e. CyberClub), the later should also be hosted under the SSL. The procedure is similar. Update the various URLs on the Membership Admin Settings to correctly reflect the changes due to to the SSL. In particular, the Member Login Page entry should start with https://... 

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Using SQL Server

In the "_private" folder, you will find a number of MS Access databases used by CyberOffice eCommerce. You may replace each MS Access database by an MS SQL Server database via the following steps (working knowledge of SQL Server is assumed):

  1. Create an empty SQL Server database using name and password appropriate for the virtual Web site. Add db_owner permission for the user.
  2. Create a File DSN on your desktop computer pointing to the SQL Server database.
  3. Open the Access database and run Tools -> Database Utilities -> Upsizing Wizard (There is an "over flow" bug in Access 2000, must download Office 2000 SP1, and then "accsql.exe" from Microsoft to fix the problem).
  4. Modify in the associated config.asp file the database connection to point to the SQL Server. You may use a  connection string syntax (no line break):
    DRIVER={SQL Server}; SERVER= sql_server_name_or_ip;UID=user_id;PWD=password; DATABASE=name_of_the_database
    Enable and assign the parameter to Session(DSN+"OLEDB").
  5. Modify references to the old Access database on any related admin pages to point to the new database, using the above syntax.

Note that you don't need to amend the "DSN" setting in the config.asp file. The DSN setting is used to identify the instance of the application. It is not necessarily associated with a valid ODBC data source.

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  ©SmartWin Technology, CyberOffice eCommerce Platform 1997 - 2012